Eating out in a restaurant on Proper Human Diet

How to Stick to the Proper Human Diet While Dining Out

Grasping the Proper Human Diet

The Proper Human Diet is a dietary approach that emphasizes high protein, low carb intake, and ancestral nutrition. This diet, popularized by Dr. Ken Berry, underscores the importance of healthy eating for weight loss. But how can you adhere to this diet when dining out? Let’s delve into this.

The Dilemma of Dining Out

Dining out can pose a significant challenge when you’re committed to the Proper Human Diet. Many meals served in restaurants are carb-heavy and protein-deficient, which contradicts the principles of the Proper Human Diet. However, with some strategic planning and knowledge, you can enjoy a meal out while sticking to your diet.

Eating out in a restaurant, eating proper human diet.

The Importance of Consistency in Diet

The importance of this dilemma cannot be overstated. When you’re following a specific diet like the Proper Human Diet, consistency is key. Every meal counts towards your overall health and wellness goals. Therefore, navigating the dining out experience effectively is crucial to maintaining your commitment to the diet.

Real-World Challenges in Dining Out

Let’s consider a real-world example. Imagine you’re at a popular Italian restaurant. The menu is filled with pasta dishes, bread, and other carb-heavy foods. This is a common scenario many people face when dining out. The challenge here is finding a meal that aligns with the high protein, low carb principles of the Proper Human Diet.

Eating out on a proper human diet.

The Impact of Restaurant Meals on Calorie Intake

According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, restaurant meals account for a significant portion of people’s daily calorie intake. The study found that people consume an average of 200 more calories when they eat out compared to when they eat at home. This highlights the importance of making smart food choices when dining out.

Expert Advice on Dining Out

Dr. Ken Berry, the advocate of the Proper Human Diet, often emphasizes the importance of planning ahead when dining out. He suggests looking at the restaurant’s menu online before you go and deciding what to order in advance. This can help you avoid making impulsive decisions that might lead you to choose a meal that’s not in line with the Proper Human Diet.

A Success Story in Dining Out on the Proper Human Diet

Photo of a traditional meat shop in Vienna style. The facade of the shop is adorned with intricate architectural details reminiscent of historic Viennese buildings. Large display windows showcase a variety of meats, sausages, and other delicacies. Above the entrance, a sign prominently displays the text 'Proper Human Diet'. Pedestrians of diverse descent and genders walk by, some glancing at the shop's offerings.

To illustrate this point further, let’s tell a story. Sarah, a follower of the Proper Human Diet, was invited to a birthday dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Knowing that many Mexican dishes are high in carbs, she was worried about what she could eat. 

But instead of stressing out, she took Dr. Berry’s advice. She looked up the restaurant’s menu online and found a few options that fit her diet – a grilled chicken salad without the tortilla strips and a side of guacamole. When she got to the restaurant, she knew exactly what to order and was able to enjoy the evening without worrying about her diet.

Conclusion: Overcoming the Dining Out Dilemma

In conclusion, while dining out can pose a challenge when following the Proper Human Diet, it’s not an insurmountable obstacle. With a bit of planning, knowledge, and strategic decision-making, you can enjoy a delicious meal out while staying true to your diet.

Eating out on a proper human diet.

Strategies for Dining Out on the Proper Human Diet

Here are some strategies to help you stick to the Proper Human Diet when dining out:

  1. Pick the Right Restaurant: Choose restaurants that cater to low-carb meal options. Steakhouses, seafood joints, and salad bars usually offer good choices.
  2. Customize Your Order: Feel free to request modifications to your order. For instance, you could ask for an extra serving of vegetables instead of fries or opt for a salad instead of a sandwich.
  3. Mind Your Portion Sizes: Restaurant servings often exceed home-cooked meal portions. Consider sharing a meal or packing half of it for later.
  4. Steer Clear of Sugary Drinks: Stick to water, unsweetened tea, or other low-carb beverages.
  5. Savor Your Meal: Remember, dining out should be a pleasurable experience. Don’t let your diet cause undue stress. Do your best and get back on track with your next meal.

Advantages of the Proper Human Diet

The Proper Human Diet offers a plethora of health benefits. It aids in weight loss, boosts energy levels, and curbs inflammation. Plus, by focusing on high-protein foods and low-carb meals, you’re likely to feel satiated after each meal.

Photo representing the theme 'Weight Loss and the Proper Human Diet'. The image showcases a plate heaped with protein-rich foods: tender beef cuts, flaky salmon fillets, sizzling bacon strips, and soft-boiled eggs. The ambiance is set by a sophisticated dining environment, and the caption 'Weight Loss and the Proper Human Diet' stands out, highlighting the diet's focus on these specific meats.

Weight Loss and the Proper Human Diet

One of the most significant benefits of the Proper Human Diet is its potential to aid in weight loss. The diet’s emphasis on high-protein and low-carb foods can help create a calorie deficit, which is essential for weight loss. Protein-rich foods can help you feel full longer, reducing the need for unnecessary snacking.

Energy Levels and the Proper Human Diet

Eating proper human diet in a restaurant in front of a wood fire.

Another advantage of the Proper Human Diet is the potential boost in energy levels. High-protein foods provide sustained energy, helping to avoid the energy crashes often associated with high-carb, sugary foods. This steady energy can improve your overall productivity and well-being.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits of the Proper Human Diet

The Proper Human Diet also offers anti-inflammatory benefits. Many high-protein foods, such as fatty fish and nuts, contain anti-inflammatory properties. A diet low in processed foods and sugars, as recommended by the Proper Human Diet, can also help reduce inflammation in the body.

Dining out while following the Proper Human Diet

Satiety and the Proper Human Diet

Finally, the Proper Human Diet can help increase feelings of satiety. High protein foods take longer to digest, helping you feel full longer. This can lead to reduced calorie intake and aid in weight loss.

Conclusion: The Multifaceted Benefits of the Proper Human Diet

In conclusion, the Proper Human Diet offers a range of health benefits, from weight loss and increased energy to reduced inflammation and improved satiety. By adhering to this diet, you’re not just improving your physical health but also promoting a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

Wrapping Up

Sticking to the Proper Human Diet while dining out is certainly achievable. With a bit of foresight and readiness to tweak your order, you can relish a scrumptious meal without deviating from your diet. Remember, the Proper Human Diet’s goal is to foster a healthy lifestyle, not to limit your food enjoyment. So go ahead and relish your meal out, knowing you’re making choices that bolster your health and wellness.

How to Stick to the Proper Human Diet While Dining Out

Further Exploration

For more insights on adhering to the Proper Human Diet, check out Dr. Ken Berry’s health tips and our collection of Proper Human Diet recipes. 

Visit our website to find recipes and meal plans for the Proper Human Diet. You might also find our articles on the benefits of the Proper Human Diet, low-carb meal plans, and the comparison between the Keto and Proper Human Diet interesting. Bon appétit!

If you’re new to the Proper Human Diet and want to learn more about its principles and benefits, check out our comprehensive Beginner’s Guide to the Proper Human Diet. This guide provides a detailed overview of the diet, offering valuable insights and tips to help you get started on your journey toward a healthier lifestyle.


  1. What is the Proper Human Diet? The Proper Human Diet is a dietary approach that emphasizes high protein, low carb intake, and ancestral nutrition. It’s popularized by Dr. Ken Berry and focuses on promoting healthy eating for weight loss and overall wellness.
  2. Can I eat out while following the Proper Human Diet? Yes, you can eat out while following the Proper Human Diet. It requires some strategic planning and knowledge, such as choosing the right restaurant, customizing your order, and minding your portion sizes.
  3. What are the benefits of the Proper Human Diet? The Proper Human Diet offers numerous health benefits, including aiding in weight loss, boosting energy levels, reducing inflammation, and increasing feelings of satiety. For a more detailed overview, refer to our Beginner’s Guide to the Proper Human Diet.
  4. Is the Proper Human Diet the same as the Keto or Paleo diet? While the Proper Human Diet shares some similarities with the Keto and Paleo diets, such as emphasizing low-carb and high-protein foods, it’s distinct in its focus on ancestral nutrition. This means it encourages eating foods that our ancestors would have had access to, such as meats, fish, vegetables, and fruits.
  5. What types of foods can I eat on the Proper Human Diet? The Proper Human Diet encourages eating high-protein foods like meat and fish, along with low-carb vegetables and fruits. It discourages the consumption of processed foods, sugars, and high-carb foods like bread and pasta.
  6. Where can I find recipes that align with the Proper Human Diet? You can find a variety of recipes that align with the Proper Human Diet on our website. Check out our recipe section for delicious and healthy meal ideas.
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