
Dive into a world of informative videos (and some books) exploring the “proper human diet” from different angles and why this approach to eating is based on our ancestral roots. Explore diverse perspectives on what we should eat and delve into the science behind why an ancestral-inspired approach might hold the key to optimal nutrition.

An interesting presentation from Jess Thompson is what ancient bones tell us about the origin of the human diet.

The Proper Human Diet is a form of a ketogenic diet. It is still a kind of ketogenic diet because we eat fewer carbs in a Proper Human Diet. So, in a PHD diet, we are more focused on fatty meat rather than vegetables. It’s an appropriate ancestry diet. So, give it a try if the regular keto diet doesn’t work for you.

What is the Proper Human Diet, explained by Dr. Berry

Is Eating Habits The Reason For Gaining Weight?

In this video, Dr. Jason Fung explains how to lose weight automatically. Losing weight is not just about willpower but rather about the habits that we keep.

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Books by Dr. Jason Fung

The Obesity Code

The Complete Guide to Fasting

The Diabetes Code

The Cancer Code

The Obesity Code Cookbook

Mikhaila Peterson Shares 5-Year Experience and Results of Carnivore Diet

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