Is there a proper human diet, or can human beings just eat whatever they want and still expect good health?
I have an updated ultimate proper human diet guide here. (2023).
Well, I think this is an excellent question and a question we should all ask ourselves and ask our healthcare providers.
The keto, ketovor, low carb, carnivore diets are a rediscovery of the proper human diet. That’s the way human beings have always eaten, and that’s the way we should still eat.
What are the basic concepts of the proper human diet?
I contend that a proper human diet will lead to optimal health for humans and optimal health for you.
And in this article, I’m going to teach you about the eleven concepts of the proper human diet.
I’m going to help you understand your proper human diet. The first concept is nutrient density.
Eating should be all about nutrient intake. There are certain amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that we cannot make.
We must ingest them, or we will get sick, suffer, and ultimately die an early death.So eating should be all about harvesting these nutrients.
To do that as efficiently as possible and without ingesting an unnecessary amount of carbohydrates, you should eat the most nutrient-dense food you can find.
If you read lots of articles out there in the mainstream media, you’ll think that kale is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet.
Or some berry from a Caribbean island or spinach. You’ll think these are the most nutrient-dense. But that’s actually not true at all.
You can put the nutrient listings side by side between kale and any form of meat, and the meat will win every time!
What should a proper human diet contain?
The most nutrient-dense foods on this planet are organ meats like liver.
So if you compare the nutrients in the chicken liver to the nutrients in kale or spinach or any other plant “superfood,” you’ll see no more nutrient-dense food than the liver.
So a proper human diet should contain foods that are very nutrient-dense.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t eat spinach and kale. I’m just saying don’t be diluted into thinking they are the most nutrient-dense.
There is a complete spectrum of nutrient density in the foods you eat. A jelly donut would be very high in carbohydrates and sugar and completely devoid of any meaningful nutrition, aka nutrients.
On the other end of that spectrum would be liver of some kind or some other organ meat that is completely rich in the amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs for optimal function.
The carbohydrate knob

There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate! So, if you never ate another carbohydrate for the rest of your life, not only would you not die, but you would actually flourish and be very healthy and vigorous.
Because there is no essential carbohydrate, and there is no essential sugar. You don’t need those at all. I want you to think of your carbohydrate intake as the volume knob on your car radio.
If you want to listen to the music louder, you turn up the volume. And if you want to listen to it not as loud, you turn down the volume.
This same concept applies to your carbohydrate intake. So when I talk about carbohydrates, I’m talking about total carbohydrates, not net
carbohydrates. And some of us do wonderful on a hundred total grams of carbohydrates a day.
We’re still able to get all the nutrient-dense foods in, and we don’t gain fat. We don’t get inflamed. We seem to do very well on that.
But others of us have to turn down this knob to 50 total grams. Some even more to 20 total grams.
Does a proper human diet prevent autoimmune conditions?

And some people like myself have to turn down the carbohydrate intake knob as close to zero as they can get it before discovering their optimal health. Before they find out their proper human diet.
The third concept I want you to understand about the proper human diet is the concept of food sensitivities.
There are chemicals in some of the food we eat that can be quite inflammatory to certain parts of our body.
And in some people, these inflammatory chemicals can actually flare up or create autoimmune conditions, so I want you to be aware of these.
Now, you may be someone who can eat plants that contain these, and it doesn’t really bother you at all, and the main chemical toxins I’m talking about are Oxalates, phytates, saponins, lectins, and phytoestrogens.
When they’re young and healthy, some people don’t really seem to respond to these things.
But other people find that even eating a little bit of these causes a big problem in their body.
And this could be inflammation in their gut, in their skin, in their joints, or even in their mental capacity their brain.
So if you have a lactose intolerant or you have a gluten intolerant,
How do you know which foods to exclude from a proper human diet?
you immediately get feedback from your body when you eat those chemical toxins in the food. And you learn quickly to avoid those.
Some of these other chemical toxins are much more subtle in how your body responds or reacts to them.
And so it can take some trial and error and a few months of excluding this food until you figure out which of these your body is really sensitive to.
And then you’ll know that those foods are not part of your proper human diet.

The next concept is satiety. This is a sense of fullness. A sense that you should be done eating. And this really is a helpful concept for obese, overweight people who want to lose fat.
So food satiety is the satiety signals caused by hormones in your body that go up or down as you eat.
Some foods trigger these satiety hormones in the right direction and tell you that you’re full when you have actually ingested enough meaningful nutrients from your nutrient-dense food.
There are other hormones that other foods will move these hormones in the wrong direction and tell you you’re still hungry even though you have eaten enough food.
How can proper human food regulate hunger?

So, when you take into consideration the nutrient density of your food.
So, if you’re eating Doritos and drinking Pepsi, those are devoid of nutrients, and so you’re breaking concept number one.
But also, they’re never going to tweak your hormones and give you the satiety signal that you’re full.
To not overeat, and basically, when we say that we mean overeat carbohydrates, you need a diet that’s rich in proteins and rich in fats.
And they need to be natural ancestrally appropriate fats and proteins. We’ll talk about the ancestral concept in a minute, but when you eat
enough excellent ancestral fat and good ancestral protein, these move all of your hunger hormones in the right direction to tell you – hey, you’ve eaten enough, it’s time to stop.
And it’s easy at that point to push away from the table and go find something else fun to do besides continue eating. The proper human diet will do that for you!
Is fasting part of a proper human diet?
The next key concept of the proper human diet is fasting. Not eating is also part of the proper human diet.
So, you’re already fasting every day, anywhere from six to seven to eight hours. While you’re asleep, you’re not eating.
And even if you start off with a 12-hour daily fast, so you add two hours on each end of your sleep window.
Now you’re not eating for 12 hours a day, and that gives you 12 hours to eat one meal or two meals, or three meals.
And that is going to help you move all of your fat loss hormones in the right direction.

The longer you don’t eat, aka the longer you fast, the more these hormones move to the perfect position so that they can start to burn the stored fat in your body.
That’s how you burn that off by following all these concepts. And one of the concepts is you need to be doing some degree of an intermittent daily fast.
You might start with 10 hours a day, and that’s all you can do. If you’re still eating a high carbohydrate diet, it’s almost impossible to fast longer than 10 or 12 hours.
You will be starving to death, at least that’s how you’ll feel.
But as you eat more fat and eat more protein in your meals, trying to hunt for the nutrient density, then you’re going to notice that you don’t get as ravenously hungry every two hours or every four hours as you used to.

Does a proper human diet give you more mental clarity?
And so you can gradually extend your fast out to sixteen or maybe even eighteen hours every day.
And it’s effortless. It’s easy. You actually will have more mental clarity, and you’ll be able to get lots more work done.
You’ll get to get lots more play done because you do not have to eat every two or every four hours.
The next concept of a proper human diet is ancestral appropriateness.
This means that you want to focus the majority of your dietary effort on eating foods that human beings have eaten for our entire existence on this planet. And that’s going to be lots of fatty meat.
Because for our entire existence on this planet, the paleoanthropological evidence makes it very clear that we ate as much fatty meat, organs, bone marrow, and brains.
We ate as much of that as we could get our hands on. We might then eat some plants for seasoning or medicinal purposes or to keep from starving to death.

But the majority of a proper human diet comes from fatty meat. And that can be meat from the ocean in the form of seafood. It can be meat from red pasture meat.
It can also be meat from the hen house. It doesn’t matter. It can be eggs. It can be cheese.
Any of these things are very ancestrally appropriate for us. We’ve been eating them for the entirety of our time on this planet.
Now, you should be cautious of things that we’ve only been eating for a few thousand years, like grains, like alcohol a thousand years, and grains for maybe 12 to 15 000 years.
Cheese is probably only a few thousand, and that’s why I think some people trying to do keto or carnivore do best when they leave the cheese out.
What are the worst foods to eat?
It’s not that that’s modern high-processed food, but our bodies have not been exposed to that for only a few thousand years.
The worst foods of all on this ancestral appropriateness concept of the scale are foods that
have only been around for a few decades, maybe 100 years. This will include all the vegetable oils like cottonseed oil, canola oil, corn oil, soybean, sunflower, and safflower.
Human beings never ate these things ever. And also, there have never been any long-term studies to prove that these factory-made products are safe for long-term consumption.

In human beings, we actually don’t know if it’s safe. The studies have never been done. We just assumed that they were safe, and we’ve been
eating them.
And our ingestion of these vegetable oils coincides very tightly with the obesity epidemic in modern society.
So don’t eat anything that’s only been available for human beings to eat for a few decades, that hasn’t been proven to be ancestrally appropriate. Avoid those things.

Avoid eating one-ingredient foods
The next concept of a proper human diet is to avoid things that are made in a factory and to avoid highly processed things.
You want to eat one-ingredient foods. You do not want to eat something that has 10 or 20 or 100 ingredients on the ingredients list.
It’s absolutely not ancestrally appropriate. That’s factory-made. And that is a product, not food for human beings.
So, many of the keto-approved baked goods will have almond flour or coconut flour, or some other nut flour.
And eating a few of these nuts is probably fine, but eating 50 of these nuts in the form of high ground-up processed flour is not ancestrally appropriate.
And again, you’re taking what started as natural food, and you’re highly processing it.
That’s probably going to confuse those hormones we talked about earlier that are in charge of telling you when you’ve eaten enough and when you’re full.
And I think that’s why many people on a ketogenic diet if they’re eating too many keto baked goods, too many keto-shakes, too many keto cookies, and pies wind up overeating.
And they wind up getting too many carbohydrates because they’re not following this concept of a proper human diet.
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Do you need extra minerals?

The next concept of a proper human diet is to make sure you’re getting adequate mineral intake.
It’s pretty easy to know if you’re getting enough protein and enough fat.
Vitamins are a little less easy, but if you’re eating the right foods, you’re getting those vitamins because the foods actually make those.
Vitamins and minerals are other things. Minerals are actually elements on the periodic table.
Remember that big chart from high school chemistry? Those things are only made by nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. They are in your food, or they’re not in your food.
So you have to be very aware that many of the soils that our food grows on now and that our food grazes on now are mineral-depleted soil.
That soil has been mono-crops for decades, or it’s been overgrazed for decades. And no one has done the correct regenerative restorative things with that soil to help it be a replete nutrient soil.

So it is deficient in many minerals, and that’s why we have returned to a regenerative farming model, where we’re not raping the landscape basically to get our food.
And that’s why I recommend a mineral supplement like this KetoChow. And it’s got all of the minerals in the right amounts that you’re going to need on a daily basis.
And so every cup of coffee, I put a little squirt of this in there. When I’m frying a steak, it tastes very salty, so I’ll put a little squirt on top of the steak, and that gives it a salty flavor.
But not only am I getting sodium and chloride. I’m also getting all the other electrolytes and all the other minerals that my body needs for optimal function.
So don’t forget about the minerals in your proper human diet.

Keto, ketovor, low carb, carnivore diets are a rediscovery of the proper human diet
The next concept for a proper human diet is not to fall for fad diets.
Now you may be thinking that the keto diet or the ketovor diet or the carnivore diet is a fad diet because that’s what you hear on television and in reading magazines.
Actually, the keto, ketovor, low carb, carnivore diets are a rediscovery of the proper human diet.
That’s the way human beings have always eaten and that’s the way we should always eat. We should eat lots of fat and protein and then maybe a few carbs.
The fad diet that I’m actually talking about is the current diet recommended by the American diabetes association.
This is a fad diet. A bunch of gray-haired old gentlemen got in a room and decided this is how people with diabetes should eat.
No research proves that this is the best diet for diabetics or any other human for that matter.
Big Pharma makes money off a fad diet

There’s no research proving that this diet is safe for long-term use in human beings. So why are we recommending it?
Well, it’s because it’s a fad. It’s been around for a few decades.
And I predict over the next decade, this diet, along with the dash diet, the weight watchers diet the Jenny Craig diet.
All these other fat diets, some of which have been around for 60 or 70 years.
They’re going to die and go away because they’re obviously not on the proper human diet. They do not give you optimal nutrition.
There’s no nutrient density in them. They’re just trying to make money off of a fad diet.
So when you see the federal government’s “my plate guidelines,” that is also a fad diet. It’s not based on any research whatsoever.
It’s basically a conglomeration of the opinions of the corporate farming businesses that are billion-dollar corporations.
Lies My Doctor Told Me

Some privately held that we have the public doesn’t have any recourse against.
They just decided they want to sell lots of grains, and they want to sell lots of low-fat dairies. And they also want to sell lots of of this, that is the other problem.
So that’s what they’re going to say that people should eat. That’s how the plate guidelines were formed.
And if you don’t believe that, you can find it in the book by Dr. Berry, “Lies My Doctor Told Me.” In this book, you can read about how the food pyramid was formed.
So then “my the plate” is just a bastard child of the food pyramid based on no meaningful nutritional science whatsoever. So don’t fall for fad diets. Eat the proper human diet.
The next concept of a proper human diet is recognizing, realizing, and coming to grips with the fact that human beings can form an addiction to sugars; we can be addicted to carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates.
The highly processed carbohydrates and actually the more processed carbohydrate, the more habit-forming.
It is now, and people can quibble all day on whether sugar meets the criteria for the legal definition of addiction or not.
But basically, when a marketing firm brags that you can’t eat just one, that’s evidence.
In my opinion, they tried to make that food as addictive as possible to get all of your money.
Do not for a minute think that you can say no to crack cocaine and walk away after you’re addicted to it. You’re gonna have to go to rehab.
Don’t think for a minute you can just stop drinking three pints of whiskey a day and just go cold turkey.
No, you’re not. You’re gonna have withdrawals. You may also need professional help to go through that.
And there are many of us when we stop the carbohydrates or at least turn down that carbohydrate intake knob very low.
We are going to have sugar withdrawals, and we are going to have carbohydrate withdrawals.

And that is going to give you from three to ten days of feeling miserable, going through all the classic withdrawal symptoms of having a headache, of having nausea, of having mental fog. Just feel like you’re coming down with the flu.
Those are signs of withdrawal, which happens with sugar and simple carbohydrates, just like other addictive substances.
Once you understand that, you don’t. Then you quickly realize, oh, you are not just craving that donut or those chips.
You are having a withdrawal moment. You are addicted to that, and it’s calling to you. That junk food is the monkey on your back.
There are no addictive foods contained in the proper human diet
And once you name it what it actually is, you can fight it for what it actually is and defeat it for what it actually is.
There are no addictive foods contained in the proper human diet.

A spectrum of quality of food
The final concept I want you to understand about a proper human diet is that there is a spectrum of quality food.
From very low-priced food to very high-quality food. You’re always going to pay more for the quality; we understand that.
So, if you value your life in the life of your friends and family and your loved ones, then you want them to have all of these concepts met when you put food on the table.

And if you’re broke as a joke, then maybe all you can afford is the cheapest hot dogs in the store, the cheapest potted meat spam bologna.
That’s fine because that’s a thousand times better for you than eating the Doritos, or the honey bun, or the jelly doughnut, or drinking Pepsi, or the cheapest meat that’s in the store.
But when you can’t afford to do better, then you should do better. And you should start moving up from the cheapest hot dogs in the store.
Start buying 70 or 30 ground beef or minced beef. That’s going to be better. That’s better quality meat. Is it perfect? No, it’s not perfect.
So when you can afford better, then you’ll start getting grass-fed, grass-finished beef.
You’ll have a higher omega-3 content and a lower omega-6 content. There’s no doubt those things are true.
Eat the best quality meat you can afford

But in the beginning, if all you can afford is cheap hot dogs, then do this with cheap hot dogs. That’s a temporary fix, a temporary cure.
But it’s infinitely better for your long-term health than eating processed carbohydrates.
So eat the best quality meat you can afford, but don’t sweat it, don’t worry about it, and don’t think you can’t do the proper human diet properly.
If you don’t have the money to be able to afford cows that have never been given an antibiotic or a steroid and have eaten grass their entire lives. And were slaughtered humanely, you will get there.

Your financial system will improve as your health improves
I promise there’s hope. I always hope your financial system will improve, and in my experience, it improves directly as your health improves.
And the proper human diet is going to help you in many ways.
First and foremost, physically. Secondly, mentally but when you’re in optimal physical and mental shape, guess what?
Your financial situation becomes less difficult and less confusing. Family issues, social issues, all these things start to get better.
Once you have cured your body and cured your mind of diseases that were caused by the previous factory-made product foods.

Pseudo foods, frankin foods that you used to live on. Those were actually contributing to the other problems in your life.
I hope these concepts help you understand a proper human diet and not be deluded or misled by advertising or by family members’ opinions about what is or is not part of your proper human diet.
And once you understand these concepts, it’s very difficult to fool you with advertising or with a family tradition or with peer pressure.
So when you’re out with a group, you’re just not going to fall for that because you realize what you are.

You are a human being.
You are a human being, and that’s not something you should say in shame.
That’s something you should say with pride, and in order to be the best human, then you absolutely need to eat the proper human diet again.
And if you know someone who needs to read this to help them achieve proper health, do not hesitate to share this article with them.
You have my permission to do that. Together we can help each other get a healthier life. So, spread this message.

Thanks for reading this article. If you want to know more about the Proper Human Diet, please come back to this website.
I will publish more revealing information about the proper human diet, or what I call; The PHD- Diet.
Here is a Beginner’s Guide to the Proper Human Diet, including a 7-Day Meal Plan.
The Evolutionary Paradigm of Cancer

Read Dr. Jason Fung’s book, The Cancer Code, and his cancer theories, how the war on cancer got it so wrong. This book is a must for anyone with a family history of cancer or a family member with cancer. Sharing the information in this book might change someone’s life for the better. Listen to Dr. Berry talking with Dr. Jason Fung, discussing Dr. Fung’s theories of cancer.