Welcome to PHD (Proper Human Diet),
Is there a proper human diet that will give you optimal physical and mental health? I think there is. Huge corporations have misled us for their profit, not for our health.
Meat has been a significant part of the human diet since the beginning. Make sure you know the truth about your food intake so you can make healthy decisions for your meals. Your body and mind need meat for proper function, and you’ll feel better when you eat more meat.
This channel is to promote the Proper Human Diet. (Carnivore, Keto-Carnivore, Keto, and Low-Carb Diets). Free PHD information for everyone. I hope you will find the information on my web site helpful and interesting.
Daily Calorie & BMI Calculator
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I am a dentist from Sweden. I have been practicing dentistry for 20 years. No big medical words here, just straight talk you can use to stay healthy and smiling. On this web site, I’ll explain how you can use your diet and your lifestyle to get the health you want
I used to be a fat dentist until I discovered the power of removing the slow-poisons of the standard diet and replacing them with the nourishment of a Proper Human Diet (PHD). My inspiration was Dr.Berry, so I started with the Keto diet and slowly went more to the Carnivore Diet.